Magic and Mayhem: And Then There's Me (Kindle Worlds Novella) Read online

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  No thank you, I’m certain that what you have for lunch is perfect for me, I would love a cup of tea though I said, looking at the teacups turned upside down on the table. Sure, what kind of tea would you like she asked me taking a small menu from her pocket and placing it in front of me, our best seller is the gray with bergamot oil she suggested waving her hand in the air, then pointing to my table. Another winner, sounds good to me I said handing her the menus back. Thank you, I’ll return with your food, enjoy your tea, she said stepping to one side so that the person that she summoned could pour my tea, I was very impressed. This café was running like a well-oiled machine. I sat enjoying my tea, looking out of the window; I could see everything from this seat. I took another sip of my tea, then looked to the left of the café just in time to see Regina, taking down the display and putting up a brand new one. I guess the way that I put it back together disturbed her.

  A server placed in front of me the soup, it smelled and looked wonderful, and the company of hot herb bread and honey butter that filled a basket just for me was placed on my table too, then the salad was placed off to the side to marry this delight, I am in heaven. This is definitely my place to eat while I’m here, or longer if I can find a place without drama. After I took my last bite of salad, Serenity came over and removed the empty plates, then another server placed my Entrée in front of me. Serenity didn’t miss a beat, she appeared after I took my first bite to check and see if everything was to my liking. Serenity, my first visit of many I said with a smile.

  I’ll never get tired of hearing that she replied, I’ll check back soon, or, if you need me just press the button just there, she said pointing to what I thought was a defect in the wood. Some people think that the button is a defect in the wood she confirmed, we wanted to keep the natural look of the wood, my family owns this café and the trees to make these tables came from our land. This café has been in my family for generations, we also own several properties around here as well Serenity revealed. I’ll make sure you have a city key map, to help you find this and that, she offered winking.

  Thank you Serenity, I would like that, and everything has been fabulous I told her. No problem, I’ll check back soon she said as she walked away. I’m delighted, outside of Regina, for a minute, I thought I would have to call some of my naughty relatives, turn Pleasantville, into Waste ‘Ville. Thinking Regina would turn everyone against me at the drop of a hat, boy was I paranoid, but you never know how much influence a person might have; good to know that Regina’s only influence, is over her own little world, as mysterious as it is. After finishing my meal and paying my check, Serenity gave me a key map outlining the entire city, and a card with a mint tied to it. She thanked me for the tip, welcomed me to the city once again and invited me back to dine. Present that card on your next visit, and dessert is on me she said as she hurried to tend to her other customers. I nodded, thinking I’ll have to take her up on that dessert as I made my way to the door to exit the café, I’m confident that this will be a journey to remember. What luck too, meeting a realtor that seems nice and sincere, meeting the owner of property all in the same day, I only hope that Shilla Patton manages Serenity’s properties I thought as I headed to Shilla office.

  As I walked, I thought about what kind of space I wanted, my space had to be perfectly connected with the business bottom half and the living quarters top half, with a private entrance, so no customers can go snooping around. I’m impressed with the shops and appearance of the city; I think I’ll like it here after all. Regina, thank moon light, so far, is the only roadblock I foresee, I have to be careful not to make it easy for her to make me seem evil to others, yes, time for a meet and greet ASAP.

  Raven! Raven! I hear my name, looking around to target the voice, I see Shilla Patton crossing the street waiving her hand in the air. I waived and returned a hello back to her. As she approached me, she looked eager to say something to me. I stopped to allow her to catch-up with me. I’m glad I caught you Raven She said. Actually, I was coming to see you Shilla, I said interrupting her. I was hoping you could help me settle into a place today, I know this is short notice, and you need a few days to find me something, however, I’m here with no room or board and I don’t want night to catch me that way I said. We seem to be on the same page Raven, when you told me that you’d just arrived, I was hoping that you would allow me to find you a place, and a space. I took liberties Raven she revealed, if you’re ready to see some areas now, I’ve a few picked out and I’m ready to show you she offered. I’m ready I said excited about her enthusiasm. I tell you what Raven, I’ll unlock my office and you can put your things inside, lighten your load she said looking at my baggage. I was so happy, thank you Shilla, I appreciate that I said and accepted gladly. After placing my things inside Shillas office, we headed to our first showing.

  What do you have in mind Raven, Shilla asked me while we walked the beautifully crafted pea stone sidewalk? I want a loft living quarters, that sits over my business, all I have to do is walk out of my door to my business, and I want the entrance to be private. I need the business space to be open too, that my displays can stand throughout the space, with hardwood floors, I want an open view, glass pane windows, oh and I would like to purchase the property Shilla, I plan to invest in a few properties in the near future as well; I’m not interested in renting anything, I hope you understand me, I said firmly.

  I’m delighted to have a customer of your degree’ Shilla said clapping her hands and smiling profusely. I do have this property here coming up on the left, I told you I took liberties, and picked a few properties out in advance Raven. I have to let you know something she confessed. I looked at her, waiting for her to reveal her confession. I’m probably the only realtor in Pleasantville that will work with witches and warlocks Raven, as far as selling or trading goes that is, many will help you, on a short-term, if you know what I mean Shilla confided. You mean visit, but don’t stay to long, I said thinking to myself, she knows I’m a witch, how? while laughing at my own joke. Exactly, she confirmed. Well then, good thing I knocked over Regina’s display isn’t it, how do you know that I’m a witch Shilla, I asked her sharply? The tattoo on your neck, you all have one, I know that each one is different too, I was taught to recognize them all she answered, stopping, then pointed upward. I glanced up, excitement too me over, what a treasure to behold, a split-level Brownstone office space with living quarters. Shilla walked up the steps that rounded outward, and as we walked upward, the steps got smaller, to meet the size of the entry door. There were two huge plants filling the lost space on both sides of the entrance door. The door was made of solid oak, hand carvings of trees and nature throughout, one glass pane window shaped like a leaf, was centered perfectly with the words open at the top and closed at the bottom, with remote excess that one could easily switch from one to the other, lighting either word at the click of a finger. Glass windows covered the front of the building, top to bottom and surrounded the wooded door as well. Shilla opened the door and allowed me to enter first. I stepped into an open space with maple hardwood floors, with a beautiful desk shaped like a horseshoe and the customers could sit and drink tea and try products, or get advice, and a sitting area for those waiting for a free spot to open at the desk, where I would operate all points. I looked at Shilla with so much appreciation.

  I told you, I’ve been doing this a long time, I knew what you would like, if you’re anything like your kin that is, she said clearing her throat. I laughed, you get no argument from me, I said looking up at the glass balcony that seem to give the illusion that there was something up stairs that was off limits to all below. The entrance to the loft is behind the building Raven, you can look down from top, and can only be seen if you stand by that glass balcony just there, Shilla said pointing up; that’s as deep in view that one’s eyes can see from down here; I’ve decorated both upstairs and downstairs, I brought in displays for you to fill to your liking she said pointing to the display stands placed throughout the
shop, and many things that you would need to get going she revealed. I have cards with numbers from vendors that I thought you would like to do business with, but most important, that would want to do business with you, she continued to say.

  You mean that this is a package deal, I said continuing my tour of the business space. Land, home/business package, everything that you see here comes with the purchase Raven. The only thing to ask is, if you like the décor, and want to take the package, or, simply purchase the space, and go find your own furniture and such. I’ll not be offended, trust me, you’ll not be the first, I decorate all of my properties, they seem to sell better for some reason she said in one breath smiling at me. I love the space and how the entrance door is on one side, and the exit back door not lining up with the front door, a wet bar, perfect size kitchen area, and two stall bathroom, his and hers, this is everything that I need I admitted looking around. And yes, I love the package idea, more appealing with the décor, I confirmed. Good, in that case, let’s go upward shall we she said with excitement in her voice. The building sat at the end of a cul-de-sac that had two more buildings equal in size however, both of the building were different in design. One building had a dress shop on the top and a coffee shop on the bottom, the other building held a hair salon on top, and a nail shop on bottom. This is the only building this side of Pleasantville Raven, with living quarters attached, and that’s in town too; I have others, you’ll have to commute at least thirty minutes to get to town, but in your case, I’m certain that you can cut that time down, follow me she said laughing. We walked down the sidewalk that continued the entire perimeter of the building, circling, and surrounded a parking lot for all three buildings customers to park.

  Once behind the building, I noticed a small driveway, just off the sidewalks path, big enough for one car, there was a small fenced in lawn, the area opened up and had two decks attached to the building that seemed to only have entry from the inside of the loft. The entry door had no windows beside it, and set beside another door, which lead to the shop. The decks seem to float above both sides of the doors; Shilla opened the door to the loft, when I entered the door, there were steps with walls that seemed to go on forever on both sides and pictures filled the walls. The steps led up to another door, Shilla unlocked the door and allowed me to enter first.

  I stepped inside to an open area that allowed you to see every area of the loft, just to the left, a long glass top wall table decorated beautifully lined the wall. Shilla brushed past me, and placed her purse on the wall table, she then put her keys in a huge shallow wooded bowl that had the word “KEYS” engraved on the side and then she plugged in her cell phone, right there, a device charging station, mounted just above the table, how novel I thought. To the right of the table, there was a disappearing door that slid into the wall to give the illusion of there not being a door at all. That doorway led into an office with a half bathroom, the office and the bathroom fully decorated with towels, washcloths, soaps and lotions, the bathroom only needed a body, preferably mine.

  I have to say, this was exactly what I wanted, and Shilla, has excellent taste in home décor. The office also had another entrance wall door, that once open, I could gain access to the office from the front door entrance, or from the living room. I love the way the office has two doors Shilla, I said excited to see more. Yes, that is one of the strong points of this unit, Shilla responded, that, and the sunken living area; watch your step, she said stepping from the small office down into the living area. I love it I shouted stepping down into the living area spinning around with excitement, able to see that the deck on the left side of the building belonged to the living area and to the right, there was the kitchen that had an island in the middle of it, and a bar that separated the living area from the kitchen; stools for guess to sit and talk without being in the kitchen surrounded the bar area. I could see the glass balcony just to the left of the living area that when downstairs looking up, seemed to be all that one could see from below. However, inside the loft, Shilla had decorated the space, turning it into a reading area or just a groovy relaxing area.

  Calming and inviting colors of cream and buff delighted the entire space, just off the kitchen, there were two doors that opened against each other, and slid into the wall giving an oriental feel with another door opposite those doors. I stepped up into the coziest Master bedroom on the planet, it held a huge walk-in closet with a dressing area that had two dressing chairs and built in chest of drawers that surrounded the entire closet. There was a shoe rack covering one side of the wall that could hold fifty pairs of shoes easily; the bathroom held a sunken tub on one side, and a marble shower that had marble seats, making it easy to shave my legs, or just sit under the warm running water that poured down like a stream, I’m beside myself. Shilla looked at me, enjoying my every emotion. The master bedroom, once inside, held another disappearing wall door and that door opened to a guest bedroom, the other door that was beside the Master bedroom that I’d entered from the kitchen led to that bedroom. Then there was another door on the opposite side of the master bedroom that led to the living area, if I wanted, I could simply separate the guest bedroom from the Master bedroom with no problem and enter the Master bedroom from the kitchen or the living area; the second deck was off the master bedroom too, very private, I could lay out naked if I wanted. I walked the unit once more, ending up in the living area. Shilla had this land home/business package stocked; everything a girl would need starting out. I wanted for nothing; I didn’t have to do anything but settle in with what luggage I had and few other items that I carried. I looked at Shilla as she stepped down into the living area and sat down on the oversized double stuffed couch. I love everything about this place, and actually, all I have to do is unload my arms, I confessed laughing. I want this to be as easy as possible Raven, I’m glad that you like this place, and I have two others just in case you didn’t like it however, I was hoping that you would like it she admitted, standing then walking over to the wall table at the front door and grabbing her purse, that was the size of a small briefcase.

  I have the papers, and an asking price, if you want this property you’ve but to say so, and we can take it off the market right now Raven, today she offered, the shop that was here before, the tenant wasn’t interested in buying the entire property, he only wanted the bottom half, the loft has been empty for some time I had but to refresh it a little, and the property owner wants to sell, she’s simply not interested in the upkeep of this property anymore she continued to say. Being that the former tenant is not interested in the purchase of the property, I took liberties, I spoke with the owner after leaving you this morning and was able to get this price for you she said handing me the papers. I looked at the asking price, Six Hundred Sixty-Six Thousand Six Hundred Sixty-Six Dollars Firm. I laughed at the price, those numbers Shilla, that to funny I admitted, you know that’s just a rumor and that number is just a number I told her, but I was curious, so I asked her, how’d you manage that price Shilla? Just a little pun she said, Serenity was asking seven hundred thousand, I hoped that you would take the property, so I negotiated with Serenity earlier in the day, I told her about you possibly wanting other properties as well, so she lowered the price hoping you would be interested in seeing her other properties she said told me. I was happy that she indeed managed Serenity’s properties and quickly let her know trying to play it cool. I do, I mean, I am, I mean, I will take it I said all crazy from the thought of being a property owner/business owner.

  Good, good, I didn’t want to split the property, we wanted this place to go to someone special, and Serenity will be pleased that you bought it, I am sure of it, Shilla shouted. I ate lunch there at her cafe today, she spoke with me briefly, and I was hoping that you handled her property’s Shilla confessed to her. I pulled the keys this morning after I left you and I called Serenity and told her that we have a new comer, and if Regina didn’t run you off, that you may be looking for property to buy, I knew you would be looking for
a place and soon, Shilla said with confidence. I landed in great hands Shilla I admitted, I’m grateful to you I said in appreciation. That’s why I’m here Raven, now, I tell you what, you sign the purchase agreement, here are your keys and all of the information on the building, we will go back to my office, you can collect your things, you meet me at my office tomorrow and we’ll close this out, Shilla said. Sure, I agreed. “Oh” and your permits are in order, they’re just there in the folder behind the other documents, and for your convenience, Mr. Tibbs will see you in two weeks to make sure that your business meets his expectations on what a business should be in Pleasantville, Shilla disclosed with sarcasm in her voice. You have your permits Raven; make it a point to invite him to your opening so he can take you off his two-week revisit list Shilla demanded.

  You’ve thought of everything Shilla, I said. My family’s been helping your ancestors for a long time Raven, my family and me, I guess I can say, you come from a line of witches and Warlocks, I come from a long line of realtors, underwriters, and loan officers, to name a few Shilla said laughing at her own joke. You have needs like anyone else, and it should be pleasant when you do have to fill those needs, Shilla defended boldly. I signed the purchase agreement, and then handed it back to Shilla, I took the keys and other documents from her. Thank you, Miss Raven Lynne Nivens, Shilla said reading my signature. I’ll continue to call you Raven if that’s okay she asked? Please do, Raven is my preferred name I said looking around my place once again and taking a deep breath as though awakening from a delightful dream.